Find Your Local Foster Care Numbers

Are you curious about the current foster care numbers in your community? Maybe you heard a speaker or happened upon a website sharing statistics about foster care that seem a bit hard to believe? In the state of Florida, you can check the statistics yourself!

The button below will take you to Florida’s Office of Child and Family Well-Being Dashboard:

Information on the Dashboard is updated monthly and can be drilled down from the statewide numbers to those of individual regions, counties, or community-based care agencies (CBCs). There is a lot of data to be explored. You can find not only information about children in out-of-home (foster) care, but also information about allegations, investigations, children exiting care, and families receiving in-home services.

To find the data used in the infographic above, click on “Monthly Trend” on the lefthand side of the main dashboard page, then on the square at the bottom of the second page that says, “Children and Young Adults in Out-of-Home Care”, and finally, click on the County Dropdown Menu and choose Brevard.

It’s been said that knowledge is power. We believe the more you know about what is happening in foster care in your neighborhood, the better your understanding will be. With better understanding, you will begin to see where you, your church, your business, or you organization can step in and make a difference. Check out the ways you can get involved right here.

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